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Calling an Iridium Satellite Phone

*IMPORTANT - Calls to a satellite phone from a landline or cellular are billed to the caller at standard satellite long distance rates ($7 or more per minute from Bell or Rogers cellular or landline).

Direct Dialing Instructions
For callers to your satellite phone
To reach you, callers dial their international access code, followed by your satellite phone number.
Example: If your Iridium number is 8816 310 12345,
callers from North America dial 011 8816 310 12345,
callers from Europe dial 00 8816 310 12345.

Two Stage Dialing

Two-stage dialing allows callers who are otherwise unable to reach you dialing directly to a satellite network, to reach you through an Arizona-based number. Calls received through two-stage dialing are not included in free incoming calls, and will be charged to you at the minute rate associated with your rate plan. The minutes will be applied to your rental bill. The person calling you using the Two-Stage Dialing will be charged for a regular long distance call to Tempe, Arizona, USA.

If you would like your contacts to use this method to reach you please provide them with the following instructions:

Two stage dialing number:

1. Dial the two stage number: 1 (480) 768-2500 (a phone number in Arizona, USA).

2. Wait for a voice prompt to enter the 12 digit satellite phone number.

Example: If your Iridium number is 8816 3101 2345, callers dial 1 (480) 768-2500, and when prompted, dial 8816 310 12345

**Calls to check voicemail are charged at the standard airtime rate.

Calling Rates (per Minute)
Provider Iridium Inmarast Thuraya
Bell Mobility $7.50 N/A $3.80
Telus N/A $13.85 N/A
Rogers $7.00 $13.00 $7.00
Fido $7.00 $13.00 N/A

Incoming calls to the Iridium phones are free to the sat phone if dialed directly. This can, however, be very costly to the person dialing (Up to $8.00/minute by some providers). The two stage dialing is meant to keep this cost down by allowing the person dialing to only pay long distance to Arizona and then charging the Iridium user 1.5 minutes per minute talked ($1.88).

Texting is always free incoming to the satellite phone. If an person texts the iridium phone from their personal phone their cost is completely dependent on provider. The online services – The messaging site and text from email - are free to send. If you choose to respond with the satellite phone all outgoing texts (To emails or phone numbers) are charged at 0.5 minute usage. In your case this would be $0.63.

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