Cobham SAILOR 4065 EPIRB - Family (404065D-00500)

US$1.560,00 US$1.216,80
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Cobham SAILOR 4065 EPIRB - Family (404065D-00500) Cobham SAILOR 4065 EPIRB - FamilySAILOR ® 4065 EPIRBS FAMILYEmergency Position Indicating Radio BeaconProduct SheetThe most important thing we build is trustThe SAILOR 4065 EPIRBsare satellite distress beaconsdesigned to operate in con-junction with the Cospas-Sarsatinternational satellite search andrescue system and are MEOSARsatellite compatible.For GMDSS compliance, the SAILOR 4065EPIRBs have a slimline fully enclosed floatfree housing which allows self-testing ofthe EPIRB in question. The SAILOR 4065EPIRBs are also available with a quickrelease bulkhead mounting bracket forcarry-off situations.Features include:• GMDSS compliant• Global distress alerting• MEOSAR compatible Satellite location• Small and lightweight• Automatic deployment option• Up to 10 year shelf life• Easy battery replacement• Built-in GPS, Galileo and GLONASS nav-igation receiver (model GNSS includedonly)ty strobe light aid final location even inpoor visibility. SAILOR 4065 EPIRBs arefully compatible with the Cospas-Sarsatand Global Maritime Distress and SafetySystem (GMDSS) regulations and meetsthe requirements of the InternationalMaritime Organization (IMO).When shipped the beacon is programmedwith a unique serial number which mustbe registered with the national authori-ties. Where national authorities allow, thebeacon can be re-programmed with thevessels satellite or radio call sign. This isdone by the distributor using an infra-redlight pen connected to a computer.The SAILOR 4065 EPIRBs are suppliedwith a fully enclosed automatic float freehousing which allows it to be self-testedwhile in the housing. For non GMDSSuse the unit can be supplied in a quickrelease bulkhead mounting bracket. Onceremoved from its mounting bracket,activation happens automatically byimmersion of the water or manually by aprotected push button on the top of theEPIRB. An additional self-test button runsa short diagnostic check and indicatesthat the EPIRB is ready for use. The spe-cially designed wall bracket prevents unin-tentional activation in carry-off situations.When considering the SAILOR 4065EPIRBs for your vessel, you have thechoice of two versions – the version withno GNSS included or the version includingGNSS. The version including GNSS is dis-tinguishedby a built-in GNSS and the ability to pro-vide Search and Rescue (SAR) serviceswith location details, including latitudeand longitude to a typical accuracyof +/- 62m. Both models rely on theglobal Cospas Sarsat satellite systemable to locate beacons transmittingon the 406MHz frequency to within5km (3nm). Once SAR units are at thedistress scene the beacon’s 121.5MHzhoming transmitter and it’s high intensi-
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ផ្នែក #404065D-00500
Cobham SAILOR 4065 EPIRB - Family (404065D-00500) - Incl. automatic bracket

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